Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I am in the UK again for work. And I am cheating.

Cheating on my kitties with other kitties. I'm sure my kitties would feel betrayed and be highly offended.
Simba and Nahla belong to Amish and Shameela. Amish is one of my UK colleagues. They very generously offered me their spare room for my first two nights.

Their kitties are very sweet and I think we bonded straight away.

Please....don't anyone tell my kitties.

Red-eye flight number 2

I was home for about 15 hours after Vegas before I left for London.

I knew taking red-eye flights two nights in a row was a really bad idea. But I did it anyway.

Thankfully I was able to sleep a few hours on the flight from Minneapolis to Amsterdam. That helped...a little.

Too much travel in a short period of time. Being sick has made it even worse than it should be.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Red-eye flight number 1

I don't like red-eye flights. I can sort of sleep on planes, but beds are so much more comfortable.

I am about to take the first of back-to-back red-eye flights. I wouldn't do this on purpose. I am doing this to maximize my time at home before leaving on an international trip.

I am taking the red-eye from Vegas to Minneapolis. I could have kept my original flight but then I could only be home for three hours before leaving the country for two weeks. I think I made the right decision, but probably won't know that for sure until Wednesday when I arrive in London.

Hopefully I will sleep on this first red-eye.....and will dream of how to use the miles I am accumulating.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Shortest taxi ride

We took a taxi from Cesaer's Palace to the Mirage, which is next door. Las Vegas blocks are bigger than anywhere else I've ever been, but this is still a short taxi ride. The driver didn't judge us - at least that I could detect - but I felt weird about not just walking.

Las Vegas June 2011

Family trip to Vegas. It was short but memorable.
Cirque du Soleil "O" at Bellagio
Celine Dion
Great food
Excellent people watching
Bellagio Fountain
Sore feet
Great laughs with my cool cousin Kerry