It has been way too long since I've posted anything new here. And, I have been traveling - but I keep going to the same places over and over again. That isn't a complaint - I love DC. It is my second home, and was my home for several years. In fact, I would consider living there again - but that is a different blog post.
I still find great pleasure in planning trips. I am planning a trip to MA, NH and Maine. I will be closing the gap on my goal of getting to all 50 states. I will visit New Hampshire and Maine in July - and those are two of the four that I am missing. However, I don't think I will hit many places from the book.
My niece - Tiffany - also purchased "1,000 places to see before you die" and is very anxious to get out and see the United States. She is joining us on our trip out East. Now I need her to get a passport so she can see the rest of the world too.
One year ago I was packing for three weeks in Europe. Memories.....