The crowds were not too bad. It was a good family day - the last one for months because Andy is back at college now.
We started with the bunnies. Jill wanted to bring one or more home, but we have too many pets. They were cute. I didn't realize there were so many varieties of rabbits.
Next stop was junk food - cheese curds and fry bread taco. And then on to chocolate chip cookies.
We rode the sky glider, which gave us a great view of the entire fair. We skipped the midway (rides and such), and then had roasted corn and mountain dew.
We walked through the animal barns - goats as far as you can see.....pigs - they were all sleeping... horses.....cows. Did you know that goats don't like to be bathed? We heard the worse noise ever, and it was a goat crying in the bath. Poor thing.
We went through the Cultural Center to look at the art.
It was a good day. Looong drive home though from Des Moines, IA to St. Paul, MN.